Saturday, March 11, 2006

JENNY: Mare, the Collage

Eileen and Krissie will be in here to talk about their sisters when they get out of deadline hell for their other books--it's not like there's a rush, we're still in the first draft stage of the Miss Fortunes so we're finding out new things about our characters all the time--but I wanted to talk about Mare's character development and collaging.

A collage is artwork made up of different images glued together. When you add three dimensional objects, it becomes assemblage but we're still going to call it collage here. So when I'm getting the idea for a book, trying to get the flavor of everything, I begin a collage and then keep adding to it throughout the writing of the book and into the rewrites. The collage gives me the touchstone for the characters, the setting, and the conflicts.

So I began Mare's collage quite awhile ago, back when we first started the collaboration, and posted it on my own blog, Argh Ink. In the beginning it looked like this:

I've added to it significantly since then because I know so much more about Mare and the story. And later today, I'm going to take a picture of the collage as it is now and put it here. Really, I am.

Back at you later . . .


Blogger Lynda the Guppy said...

And later today, I'm going to take a picture of the collage as it is now and put it here. Really, I am.

*tapping foot impatiently*

Well????? *wink* Enquiring guppies want to know!

Cherry Pimp

March 13, 2006 9:21 AM  
Blogger inkgrrl said...

Oh jeez, gorgeousness and gorgeousity!

March 15, 2006 3:24 PM  

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